Welcome to Emmaus!
About Us
"Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32.
Emmaus Core Team
Our Spiritual Director
Emmaus Directions
Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
121 East Duval Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202 |
Monday, July 27, 2009
Our Spiritual Director - Fr. Ed Murphy

Sacrament of Confirmation - Power of the Holy Spirit

In Christ,
Emmaus Core Team (David, Peggy, Jennifer, Paul, Joe, Sean)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
7/28 I Confess -Movie Night

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sunday Volley Ball and Fun @2PM


This weeks special guest is none other than the one and only Jesus!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
Come out this week and spend some time with our Lord, really, truly, substantionally present in the Eucharist.
Deacon John will be with us to expose our Lord and for benediction. During adoration we will have some quiet time alone with Jesus and also, thru-out the evening we will be blessed to have some time for praise and worship with some music from Bart and Kyle.
It's going to be a great time - how could it not be, Jesus will be there. So please come out, join us as we worship our Savior, the man who DESIRES to spend time with you - and let your friends know about.
We will begin the evening at 7:00 and will end around 9:00 - we pray that you can come for the entire time, if not come when you can.
Check out this intro - it should get you ready for the nite
Let me know if you have any questions
Emmaus Core Team
Jennifer S. Peggy B. Sean S. Joe J. Paul S. David. K
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
7/16 - Baptism Discussion- Sacrament Series

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Latin or Tridentine Mass this Thursday

Don't make excuses not to come this Thursday and fellowship with other young adults and with Christ in the Eucharist. Bring a friend too. Don't worry about not knowing the Latin because I am bringing Missals for everyone which have the english translation in them. I will also be giving a small talk on the history of the Mass and pass out some flyers of frequently asked questions for your interest. After Mass we will go to Ruby Tuesdays off of Hodges to eat. Come and join us.
Be sure to check out our website links under Liturgy for more info on the Latin Mass and other rites of the Church. http://emmauscya.blogspot.com/
God Bless and I hope to see you this Thursday!
In Christ,
Sean and the Emmaus Core Team (David, Jennifer, Peggy, Paul S., Joe)