Costumes required, side dish welcome.
Call or e-mail if you have questions!
272-7627 (home); 233-4837 (Justin cell); 505-7818 (Amanda cell)
568 Blairmore Blvd W
Orange Park, 32073
121 East Duval Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202 |
Hello Everyone! We have a big day of fellowship, worship, education, and service scheduled for October 24th in St. Augustine. The highlight of which will be an outdoor Mass at the Rustic Altar at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche. Let's make this as big as we can get it! Invite your friends, and come fellowship with us. You don’t have to belong to Emmaus to come!
One of the great things we were able to do was reserve a portion of the courtyard outside the Basilica on the corner of St. George st. and Cathedral Place to use as a "Home Base" of sorts where we can rest, fellowship, regroup, etc... This makes it possible for us to easily stay in touch throughout the day, venture out on our own to explore, and go to the various events together too. You can meet there 15-30 minutes early if you want to go with the group to any of the events. You are free to go on your own of course.
Schedule of Events:
1. Meet at 9:00am at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Manadrin to Carpool. We will leave St. Joseph’s at 9:15am on the dot. Or you can meet at our Home Base (listed above) at 9:45am to meet people and go to the first event below.
2. 10 a.m. the Sisters of St. Joseph begin offering tours of the Father Miguel O'Reilly House. You can get more information about it here: http://www.oreillyhouse.org/ . They are expecting people from our group to start arriving at 10 and will be ready for us. The house will be open until 2:30 p.m., but our other activities mean we need to do this one early.
3. 11 a.m. we are getting a tour of the Basilica. You can walk it anytime, of course, but there is a wedding there later in the day, so be sure to take advantage of the scheduled tour to get the most of the experience.
4. 12 p.m. we will go somewhere not too expensive for lunch.
5. 1 p.m. we will be meeting in the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche for a Scriptural Rosary. If you would like to get the book we will be using you can find them at Queen of Angels book store in Jacksonville (11018 Old Saint Augustine Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32257-1080, (904) 288-0062) or the shrine shop in St. Aug.
6. 2 p.m. is the big event, an outdoor Mass at the Rustic Altar on the grounds of the Shrine. The altar is placed on the spot where we believe the first Mass ever in North America was celebrated. Fr. Andy Blaszkowski will be our priest. Should it rain, we will continue the Mass inside the Shrine. If we all invite the young adults we know and get a big enough crowd there (+50) we can fall back to the church to finish the Mass, as we have reserved it just in case.
7. Immediately following Mass, at 3 p.m. we have a tour of the grounds scheduled. As soon as the tour is over we will be getting a group together to pray the Seven Sorrows of Mary on the path of the Shrine.
8. 4 p.m. For our service project we will be fundraising for our Catholic Radio stations, WQOP and WZNZ. I will have Tom's recorder to take PSA's, testimonies, and the like. Pledge forms will be on hand for anyone desiring to make a pledge of support.
9. 5 p.m. In the evening we will have a beach/dinner party .
Things to bring: Bring Warm clothing and clothing to play volleyball in! Bring some cash for food and in case you want to by something in St. Aug.
In Christ,
Emmaus Core Team(Sean, Jennifer, Joe, Liz, Jeff)- Jeff