Welcome to Emmaus!

We are an awesome Catholic Young Adult Group ages 20-39, single or married, located in Jacksonville, FL. Keep an eye on the announcements below for meeting times and events! Examples of events are Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, monthly confession and Mass, Theology on Tap, outdoor activities, bible studies, guest speakers, and much much more. If you join the Emmaus Yahoo! Group, find us on Facebook or check this website regularly, you will be able to receive the latest news on what is happening with Emmaus. So if you are looking to grow in your faith, find friendships, and get involved in something that helps spread the Gospel, then get involved with “Emmaus”!

About Us

The Emmaus Catholic Young Adult Group was started in 1996 by Fr. Ducci in Orange Park, FL. The group first met in the Wilcox house, moved to St. Catherine’s, and then due to the group’s growth and mission ultimately to Assumption Catholic Church. We chose the name “Emmaus” because of the passage in the book of Luke 24:13-35. We love this passage because it deals with the Lord opening the eyes of those who are blind to the truth. The two men’s minds are opened to the Truth when Jesus teaches them about Himself starting from the Old Testament to His death on the Cross to His Resurrection. Afterwards the two men recognize who Jesus is when He gives them the Eucharist i.e. His very Body and Blood in Communion. Our group’s mission is to open the hearts and minds of young adults to Jesus in order to live a holy life. We seek to proclaim the Gospel, which includes all of the Church’s Teachings. We do this by having guest speaker’s talk about the faith, Bible studies, Mass and Adoration, worship music, retreats, sports, and more. We believe in building a strong community of Catholic young adults whose goal is to change lives and live lives of holiness for Christ.

"Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32.

Emmaus Core Team

Patrick, Emily, Paul, and Jacinta. Please feel free to contact us at emmauscya@gmail.com with any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns.

Our Spiritual Director

Our Spiritual Director
Father Ed Murphy (L), Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish. E-mail: ewmurphy@windstream.net

Emmaus Directions

We are located at:
Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church

121 East Duval Street,
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sun- CYA Soccer Cup 2PM

Are you ready for the Catholic Young Adult Soccer Cup 2010? The game will be at Treaty Park in St. Augustine FL. We will also have a cook out afterwards so bring side dishes and water/gatorade.

Car pool from St. Ephrems at 12:30Pm.

Time: 2:00PM

Take 95 South to Exit 311 to and take 207. Go left onto 207 N and make a right onto Wildwood Dr.
The Park is on the right . 1595 Wildwood Dr. St. Augustine 32086

In Christ, Sean

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thurs- Lenten Scavenger Hunt and Prizes

This Thursday we are doing something I have not done in a long time. We are having a Lenten Scavenger Hunt. In this hunt you will get into teams and try to find certain items within the allotted time. Each item will have a certain amount of points. Whoever gets the most points wins. The rules of the games and the items will be given to each team at Emmaus. I look forward to seeing you there. I have the most unusual Lenten items to gather. Be there at 7:30 for the games or 7 if you want to pray the rosary.

Prizes will go to whoever wins.

In Christ,
Emmaus Core Team (Liz, Jen, Sean)


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ice Skating and Cracker Barrel

This Saturday night let's enjoy the winter and go ice skating. At 6:00 meet at the Cracker Barrel off of JTB and 95 for dinner. Then after we are done eating we will head over to the Jacksonville Ice & Sportsplex Ice Rink around 8.

Directions to the Ice Rink: 3605 Philips Highway Jacksonville, FL 32207

Cost: $10 to skate including rentals.
In Christ, Sean

The Human Experience Movie

This FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2010 @ 7:30 PM , the showing of the movie The Human Experience will be shown at UNF. Many of you know of Grassroots Films and the powerful work they have produced such as Fishers of Men. Thanks to a generous benefactor, Fraternus has invited Grassroots to the UNF Theater February 19th to feature their latest movie, "The Human Experience". Following the movie several of the actors will speak of the personal experiences they faced while shooting the film.

Here is the link to the trailer: http://www.grassrootsfilms.com/thehumanexperience/
The FRATERNUS website: http://www.fraternus.net/
Cost: The tickets are $2 pre-sale, $4 at the door and a love offering for Fraternus will be collected as well.
Location: University of North Florida Lazzara Performance Hall1 UNF Drive Jacksonville, FL 32224

For more information, contact Tommy VanHorn - Phone: (904)217-7094
In Christ,

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thurs- Do we need miracles to believe?

This Thursday for Emmaus we will watch a short documentary about some actual miracles that have occured in Christians lives. Some of the things we will discuss are: Do we need miracles to be Christians? Do miracles really happen or are they just unexplainable chances? Do miracles still happen today or was that just in the time of the Apostles? Then we will discuss some of the miracles of Jesus. We will also be praying for miracles in our lives at the end of Emmaus.

So come out and see a miracle happen in your life!

In Christ,
Emmaus Core Team (Sean, Liz, Jen, Jeff, Joe)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tues Theology on Tap- Pagan Rock Star turned Christian Solider

This Tuesday is the third and final Theology on Tap featuring Rock Singer and now Christian Sal Solo. Come out and listen to Sal talk about his conversion and his past life in the British rock band Classix Nouveaux . Be there for food, fellowship and fun.


Address: Mudville Grille 3105 Beach Blvd. Jax Fl 32207 (where Beach Blvd. and Atlantic Beach meet)
Time: 6:30-9pm
Cost: $5

In Christ, Sean Smith

Monday Mardi Gras Movie Night

Hey guys, this Monday I am throwing a Mardi Gras/Movie Night at my apartment. The Party/Movie Night will be at 7:00PM. We will have fun watching someone very funny, Tim Hawkins. We will eat pizza and have fresh baked cookies. E-mail or call me if you are coming. Tim Hawkins is a Christian comedian who just recently performed at the Jan 2010 FOCUS conference. We will watch his DVD called "I'm No Rockstar". Don't watch his stuff on the internet save your laughs for Tuesday.
My new address is 8787 Southside Blvd. Apt 5004. Jax, Fl 32256. I live in the apartment complex Paradise Island. It is near the Avenues Mall and Borders. Call me at 307-0824 or send me an e-mail if you need help getting there. Directions are below. http://www.timhawkins.net/

In Christ,Sean

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thursday: Mass with Fr. Ed Murphy

Hello Emmaus Friends,
This Thursday, we are blessed to have our spiritual director, Fr. Ed Murphy, celebrate mass with us. We will meet in St. Ephrem's church at 7:00 p.m. to pray the rosary and Fr. Ed will be available to hear confessions. Mass will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Peace and Blessings to you all!
In Christ,
The Emmaus Core Team (Jeff, Jen, Joe, Sean and Liz)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tues- Theology on Tap - Bishop Vic

This Tuesday is the second Theology on Tap featuring Bishop Victor Galeone. Come out and listen to the Bishop talk about his time as a missionary in Peru. Be there for food, fellowship and fun.

Address: Mudville Grille 3105 Beach Blvd. Jax Fl 32207 (where Beach Blvd. and Atlantic Beach meet)

Time: 6:30-9pm

Cost: $5

In Christ, Sean Smith

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Vocation Video: Benedictine Monks of Clear Creek OK

I have posted this months vocation videos on the Benedictine Monks of Clear Creek, OK. Check it out at the bottom of the blog.


In Christ,

Monday, February 1, 2010

Thurs- Catholic Media Evangelization

This Thursday we are having Catholic Radio Host Tom Moran. We will discuss how we can use the media to evangelize. Come out and have fun with us.

In Christ,
Emmaus Core Team (Liz, Jeff, Joe, Sean, Jen)