Hello Everyone,
We hope you had a merry Christmas day and are continuing to have a blessed Christmas season. Here are the "deets" for the Emmaus New Year's Eve Party. We will meet at St. Joseph's for the 5:30pm vigil Mass for the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (a Holy Day of Obligation). Let's try and sit near the middle-front just to the right of the center aisle. After Mass we will head over to Jen and Katty's place. If you can't make Mass, you can meet us at Jen and Katty's anytime after 7pm. Please park on just one side of the road so we don't impede cars trying to get by.
If you need directions to Jen and Katty's, please call Russ at (352) 359-0629, Mike at (904) 755-8820, or Jen at (904) 347-5873.
We will have a potluck dinner, so bring some good food! :) Also, bring some boardgames, a music instrument if you have one, and we will make it a praise and worship music jam session/game night! At midnight we will start the year off right by praying a scriptural Rosary. We hope you all will join us to ring in the new year. Friends are welcome! This is a perfect opportunity to introduce someone to our young adult community. Happy Feast of the Holy Family! God bless you and your families this day.
BTW, there will be No Emmaus Meeting on Thurs., 1/2/14. We will resume on 1/9.
The Emmaus Core Team