This Thursday we will learn from
Fr. Ananda and discuss the
Holy Eucharist, the very source and summit of Christian Life!
What love our Savior has for us and what intimacy He desires! He has woven our love story throughout all of scripture and hidden treasures for us to unpack everywhere, that through seeking and knowing Him more deeply, ultimately, our hearts will be converted toward greater love and awe of Jesus, our Eucharistic Lord.
From the great feast of Passover (in which the unblemished lamb had to be sacrificed and consumed to save the first-born sons from certain death) that inaugurated the Exodus and freedom from slavery to the manna, the bread from heaven, in the desert that daily sustained the pilgrim people until they reached the Promised Land to the ultimate Wedding Feast, the pinnacle of union and communion, of Christ with us, His bride described so beautifully in Revelations. The scriptures, the consistent teaching of the Church and testimony of the Saints throughout history, the Eucharistic miracles - there is so much reason for us to rejoice and humbly adore Him. We could do a year-long series on this topic and only scratch the surface!
So come out to Emmaus on Thursday and bring a friend, and fall in love with Jesus all over again. with love,
The Emmaus Core Team
(Sean, Joe, Peggy, and Jennifer)