Welcome to Emmaus!

We are an awesome Catholic Young Adult Group ages 20-39, single or married, located in Jacksonville, FL. Keep an eye on the announcements below for meeting times and events! Examples of events are Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, monthly confession and Mass, Theology on Tap, outdoor activities, bible studies, guest speakers, and much much more. If you join the Emmaus Yahoo! Group, find us on Facebook or check this website regularly, you will be able to receive the latest news on what is happening with Emmaus. So if you are looking to grow in your faith, find friendships, and get involved in something that helps spread the Gospel, then get involved with “Emmaus”!

About Us

The Emmaus Catholic Young Adult Group was started in 1996 by Fr. Ducci in Orange Park, FL. The group first met in the Wilcox house, moved to St. Catherine’s, and then due to the group’s growth and mission ultimately to Assumption Catholic Church. We chose the name “Emmaus” because of the passage in the book of Luke 24:13-35. We love this passage because it deals with the Lord opening the eyes of those who are blind to the truth. The two men’s minds are opened to the Truth when Jesus teaches them about Himself starting from the Old Testament to His death on the Cross to His Resurrection. Afterwards the two men recognize who Jesus is when He gives them the Eucharist i.e. His very Body and Blood in Communion. Our group’s mission is to open the hearts and minds of young adults to Jesus in order to live a holy life. We seek to proclaim the Gospel, which includes all of the Church’s Teachings. We do this by having guest speaker’s talk about the faith, Bible studies, Mass and Adoration, worship music, retreats, sports, and more. We believe in building a strong community of Catholic young adults whose goal is to change lives and live lives of holiness for Christ.

"Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32.

Emmaus Core Team

Patrick, Emily, Paul, and Jacinta. Please feel free to contact us at emmauscya@gmail.com with any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns.

Our Spiritual Director

Our Spiritual Director
Father Ed Murphy (L), Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish. E-mail: ewmurphy@windstream.net

Emmaus Directions

We are located at:
Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church

121 East Duval Street,
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Monday, July 27, 2009

Our Spiritual Director - Fr. Ed Murphy

Recently I had announced at an Emmaus meeting that our Spiritual Director was Fr. Ed Murphy. Some people have also asked what a spiritual director or Fr. Ed does especially in regards to Emmaus.

Well, by having Fr. Ed as our spiritual director the Catholic young adult community can have a priest to confide in, go to confession with regularly, receive individual spiritual direction, and receive the other sacraments as well. Fr. Ed will try to come to Emmaus more often to be there for the Catholic young adult community. A Spiritual Director is about helping one grow in their faith. They act as an outside party to see the things in your life that hinders your relationship with God. They might give suggestions to help you grow or guide you in something else. Many Saints have said that in order to be a true well formed Christian one should have a spiritual director.

Many of us know the difficulties of this year with the passing of our friend Danny, economic hardships, and much more. Fr. Ed is here to help you with his prayers and counsel. Please feel free to confide in him for anything.

Fr. Ed and the Emmaus Core Team desire to bring more young adults into the Emmaus Catholic Young Adult Community but we cannot do it without your prayers and involvement. The reason Emmaus has been around for 12 years is because of the commitment of its members in going each Thursday and leading other to Christ through the Emmaus ministry. We therefore encourage all young adults from age 20-39 to come each Thursday and make a commitment to grow in fellowship with the Lord and each other. Do not let shyness, a lack of knowing people, or a lack of knowledge of the faith deter you from coming. Our enemy, the devil, desires a community divided and void of relationship and faith. Let us therefore show the devil that we have and can overcome him and the world and build this community up into a City of God or a light upon a hill.

To contact Fr. Ed call Immaculate Conception Church (downtown Jax) - (904) 359- 0331
or e-mail him at ewmurphy@windstream.net .

If you have any suggestions for Emmaus please contact Fr. Ed or someone on the Emmaus Core Team. Show Fr. Ed you are thankful to him and send him an e-mail of appreciation and love in this Year of the Priest. May God Bless you all and especially Fr. Ed Murphy for his support of Emmaus. May we bear much fruit for the Lord.

In Christ,
Sean and the Emmaus Core Team (David, Jennifer, Paul, Joe, Peggy)

My e-mail address is: john6bb@yahoo.com in case you have any questions.

Sacrament of Confirmation - Power of the Holy Spirit

Have you received the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit? Well come out this Thursday and find out about the Sacrament of Confirmation and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Sebra from Assumption Parish will be leading the discussion and talk. Be ready to ask questions.

In Christ,

Emmaus Core Team (David, Peggy, Jennifer, Paul, Joe, Sean)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

7/28 I Confess -Movie Night

I am starting a Catholic Young Adult movie night this Tuesday at my house. I will try to have these movie nights at least once a month. We will watch different movies about our faith or ones that are interesting to discuss from a spiritual perspective. The first movie we will watch is I Confess. Come out and fellowship with other Christians and enjoy some ice cream or popcorn. If we have time we will talk about any spiritual or religious implications of the movie.

Time: Tues - 7/28 ,7:30PM
Location: Sean's House - E-mail Sean @ john6bb@yahoo.com or call 307-0824 for directions.

I Confess (1953)

In this memorable Alfred Hitchcock thriller, all Father Michael Logan (Montgomery Clift) wants to be is a good priest, but his calling is made more complicated after someone confesses a murder to him and he's subsequently blamed for the death. The fastest way to clear his name is to divulge what he knows, but doing so would break his vows as a clergyman and alienate members of his flock who trust he will keep their secrets private.

In Christ,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunday Volley Ball and Fun @2PM

Greetings Brothers and sisters in Christ, as part of our brother David Keegan's "see you later tour", we will be going out to the volley ball courts this Sunday at the St Augustine Ocean Pier located at *350 A1A Beach Blvd, 32080*. We will be gathering around 2:00 for volleyball and fellowship. Please bring some snacks, light food, and drinks to share. If anyone wants to bring out a grill, great!!

This will be the last opportunity for David to spike on someone with some kind of malicious intent. J/k . So please join us for some great fun if you can.

Time: Sunday 2:00Pm
Location: St Augustine Ocean Pier located at 350 A1A Beach Blvd, 32080



This weeks special guest is none other than the one and only Jesus!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

Come out this week and spend some time with our Lord, really, truly, substantionally present in the Eucharist.

Deacon John will be with us to expose our Lord and for benediction. During adoration we will have some quiet time alone with Jesus and also, thru-out the evening we will be blessed to have some time for praise and worship with some music from Bart and Kyle.
It's going to be a great time - how could it not be, Jesus will be there. So please come out, join us as we worship our Savior, the man who DESIRES to spend time with you - and let your friends know about.

We will begin the evening at 7:00 and will end around 9:00 - we pray that you can come for the entire time, if not come when you can.

Check out this intro - it should get you ready for the nite
Let me know if you have any questions

Emmaus Core Team
Jennifer S. Peggy B. Sean S. Joe J. Paul S. David. K

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

7/16 - Baptism Discussion- Sacrament Series

Why was Jesus baptized? Do we need baptism to be saved? Are there different kinds of baptism? These questions and more will be discussed at Emmaus this Thursday. The discussion will be lead by professor Dan Mull, our friend. Come out and enjoy worshiping the Lord by learning about your faith and fellowshipping with other Christians. Be there at 7:30pm in the Main Hall.

In Christ,
Sean and the Emmaus Core Team (David, Jennifer, Peggy, Paul.S, Joe)

P.S. Check out July's vocation video!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Latin or Tridentine Mass this Thursday

Have you experienced the form of Mass that inspired all the Saints from 1969 and prior? Have you ever seen the Mass that was celebrated by countless Popes and Saints prior to 1969? Well this Thursday Emmaus will celebrate the "Latin Mass/Tridentine Mass/Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite" at St. Ephrem's at 7:00pm. This Mass is very unique in its reverence, language, prayer, and much more. I am sure that if you have never been to the Tridentine Mass that you will find this Mass awe inspiring and contemplative. Many never get a chance to see the Mass because it is celebrated early in the morning but not this Thursday. Many priests still celebrate this Mass everyday. Fr. Darius from St. Vincent Hospital knows how to celebrate this Mass and will be coming this Thursday for us.

Don't make excuses not to come this Thursday and fellowship with other young adults and with Christ in the Eucharist. Bring a friend too. Don't worry about not knowing the Latin because I am bringing Missals for everyone which have the english translation in them. I will also be giving a small talk on the history of the Mass and pass out some flyers of frequently asked questions for your interest. After Mass we will go to Ruby Tuesdays off of Hodges to eat. Come and join us.

Be sure to check out our website links under Liturgy for more info on the Latin Mass and other rites of the Church. http://emmauscya.blogspot.com/

God Bless and I hope to see you this Thursday!
In Christ,
Sean and the Emmaus Core Team (David, Jennifer, Peggy, Paul S., Joe)