Welcome to Emmaus!

We are an awesome Catholic Young Adult Group ages 20-39, single or married, located in Jacksonville, FL. Keep an eye on the announcements below for meeting times and events! Examples of events are Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, monthly confession and Mass, Theology on Tap, outdoor activities, bible studies, guest speakers, and much much more. If you join the Emmaus Yahoo! Group, find us on Facebook or check this website regularly, you will be able to receive the latest news on what is happening with Emmaus. So if you are looking to grow in your faith, find friendships, and get involved in something that helps spread the Gospel, then get involved with “Emmaus”!

About Us

The Emmaus Catholic Young Adult Group was started in 1996 by Fr. Ducci in Orange Park, FL. The group first met in the Wilcox house, moved to St. Catherine’s, and then due to the group’s growth and mission ultimately to Assumption Catholic Church. We chose the name “Emmaus” because of the passage in the book of Luke 24:13-35. We love this passage because it deals with the Lord opening the eyes of those who are blind to the truth. The two men’s minds are opened to the Truth when Jesus teaches them about Himself starting from the Old Testament to His death on the Cross to His Resurrection. Afterwards the two men recognize who Jesus is when He gives them the Eucharist i.e. His very Body and Blood in Communion. Our group’s mission is to open the hearts and minds of young adults to Jesus in order to live a holy life. We seek to proclaim the Gospel, which includes all of the Church’s Teachings. We do this by having guest speaker’s talk about the faith, Bible studies, Mass and Adoration, worship music, retreats, sports, and more. We believe in building a strong community of Catholic young adults whose goal is to change lives and live lives of holiness for Christ.

"Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32.

Emmaus Core Team

Patrick, Emily, Paul, and Jacinta. Please feel free to contact us at emmauscya@gmail.com with any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns.

Our Spiritual Director

Our Spiritual Director
Father Ed Murphy (L), Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish. E-mail: ewmurphy@windstream.net

Emmaus Directions

We are located at:
Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church

121 East Duval Street,
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Emmaus New Year's Eve Party

Hello Everyone,

We hope you had a merry Christmas day and are continuing to have a blessed Christmas season.  Here are the "deets" for the Emmaus New Year's Eve Party.  We will meet at St. Joseph's for the 5:30pm vigil Mass for the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (a Holy Day of Obligation).  Let's try and sit near the middle-front just to the right of the center aisle.  After Mass we will head over to Jen and Katty's place.  If you can't make Mass, you can meet us at Jen and Katty's anytime after 7pm.  Please park on just one side of the road so we don't impede cars trying to get by.

If you need directions to Jen and Katty's, please call Russ at (352) 359-0629, Mike at (904) 755-8820, or Jen at (904) 347-5873.

We will have a potluck dinner, so bring some good food! :)  Also, bring some boardgames, a music instrument if you have one, and we will make it a praise and worship music jam session/game night!  At midnight we will start the year off right by praying a scriptural Rosary.  We hope you all will join us to ring in the new year.  Friends are welcome!  This is a perfect opportunity to introduce someone to our young adult community.  Happy Feast of the Holy Family!  God bless you and your families this day.

BTW, there will be No Emmaus Meeting on Thurs., 1/2/14.  We will resume on 1/9.


The Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday, December 19, Adoration

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

During this Advent season, what better way to help prepare for the birth of our Lord and Savior than an hour of Adoration. It'll be a great way to focus on so much of the events leading up to Christ's birth and seeking to become better Catholics because of it. We will be meeting at Assumption Catholic Church this Thursday, December 19,  from 7-8pm and we will be praying the Rosary just outside, by the Mary statue at 6:30pm.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Emmaus Core Team

ps - A group of us is planning to go see the 8:30pm showing of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug at the Avenues 20 theatres on Philips Highway on Friday, December 20. More details to come very soon.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 12/12 -- Our Lady of Guadalupe

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,

This Thursday at Emmaus we will have Dan Mull speaking with us about Our Lady of Guadalupe (on her actual feast day!).  Dan has a Master's in Theology from Ave Maria University and teaches Religion at Bishop Snyder High School.  So, come on out and join us as we celebrate Our Lady and learn more about her apparition to St. Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill (near Mexico City).  We will be in the Parish Family Center, Room 2A (the music room) at 7pm.  God bless your week and we hope to join in fellowship with you this Thursday!


The Emmaus Core Team

Monday, December 2, 2013

Emmaus this Thursday, Dec 5, Advent Reflection

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Advent season and the start of the new liturgical year is officially upon us.  Are you looking for a way to start things off right?  What better way to start of the season then joining us this Thursday, December 5, for an Advent reflection. Fr Dan, from the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, will be leading this reflection as we get ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We will be meeting at 7pm in the Parish Family Center, room 2 A, at Assumption Catholic Church. The Rosary will be started at 6:30pm if you wish to join us.

Hope to see you there and feel free to bring a friend,

Emmaus Core Team

Monday, November 18, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 11/21 -- The Four Last Things

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,
This Thursday at Emmaus we will have Deacon Corky Hecht of Assumption speaking with us about The Four Last Things (Death, Judgement, Heaven or Hell).  Deacon Corky is very enthusiastic about speaking on this topic, so it's one you won't want to miss!  Come on out and hear what Holy Mother Church has to say about the life to come and how it is important for us to have an eternal mindset.  We will be in the Parish Family Center, Room 2A (the music room) at 7pm.  Looking forward to seeing you then!
Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Emmas This Thursday - November 14 - Confession and Mass

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Thursday, Nov 14, we will be having Confession and Mass at Assumption Catholic Church with our spiritual director, Fr Ed Murphy. Confession will start at 6:15pm and Mass at 6:45pm. We'll probably be heading out for dinner afterwards.

We hope to see you at this wonderful Eucharistic celebration,

Emmaus Core Team

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Blessed Pope John Paul II Relic Comes to Diocese

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Monday, November 11, the Cathedral Basilica will be hosting the relics of Blessed John Paul II. There is a host of events thru out the day and will be a great opportunity to venerate the relics of this soon to be Saint. Listed bellow is the information for those who can make it.


Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Emmaus This Thurs Nov 7 Catholicism Series - Communion of Saints

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Thursday, Nov 7, we will be continuing the Catholicism series, hosted by Fr Robert Barron, with the episode "Communion of Saints," followed by a discussion. The series is very beautifully done and is something that can definitely help us all better love, grow and understand our faith. We will, once again, be having it out good friends Jennifer and Katty's house. If you need the address in order to get there please call either Mike, (904) 755-8820, or Russ (352) 359-0629. It will be starting at 7pm and with the Rosary starting at 6:30pm.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Emmaus Core Team

Monday, October 28, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs, 10/31 -- All Hallows Eve Social at Jen and Katty's!

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,

This Thursday we will be meeting at Jen and Katty's Place for an All Hallows Eve Social.  We will be starting at 6pm, but you can come by anytime after that (please keep in mind we will be ending around 9pm).  Please bring some candy to hand out to the kids that come to the door and a snack to share for ourselves.  Costumes are optional.  Maybe you'd like to give us a preview of what you will be wearing to the All Saints Party at the Lang's? :)

If you need directions to Jen and Katty's house call Russ at (352) 359-0629, Mike at (904) 755-8820, or Jen at (904) 347-5873.  Have a blessed week and hope to see you on Thursday!


The Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday 10/24 Authority of the Church in Scripture and Tradition

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Thursday, October 24, we will be having our good friend Gerald Lamb speak to us. The topic will be "Authority of the Church in Scripture and Tradition." It will be a great opportunity to learn more about our faith and to get many of our questions answered. Gerald always does an excellent job when he comes out and always appreciate all our great questions for him. Please bring your Bible and Catechism, there will be references to both during his talk. We will be meeting at Assumption Catholic Church at 7pm in the Family Parish Center in room 2A (Music Room). Feel free to stop in at 6:30pm to pray the Rosary.

Hope to see you there,

Emmaus Core Team 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We will be having Confession and Mass this Thursday, October 17, at Assumption Catholic Church with our Spiritual Director Fr Ed Murphy. Confession and Rosary will be starting at 6:15pm and Mass will be starting at 6:45pm. As usual, we will continuing the fellowship at a restaurant near by.

We hope to see you there,

Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday - October 3 - 40 Days For Life Participation

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Thursday, October 3, we will be participating in the 40 Days for Life at the soon to be open Planned Parenthood location on 5978 Powers Avenue in Jacksonville. Planned Parenthood has announced that this location will be opening on October 7 and our witness in front of this building is ever more important then ever. It will be a great opportunity to join our fellow pro-life brothers and sisters to hopefully get them to change their mind, and especially the minds of those who might be thinking about having an abortion now and/or in the future. Please plan on joining others in front of the Planned Parenthood from 6pm to about 7:30pm at the latest. If you can't make, please consider to making a commitment from now to until November 3 from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. There are also 3 other abortion mills located in Jacksonville, please check out www.familyforlife.info  for times and locations, that currently perform abortions if you wish to join in the fight there. Parking is currently located, behind the Woody's BBQ right next door.

Hope to see you there.

Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday - Sept 26 - Ultimate Frisbee

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Thursday, we will be playing ultimate Frisbee behind the gym on the open field. In order to take advantage of the day light hours, we will be starting at 6:30pm and maybe afterwards going out for dinner. Rosary will be starting at 6pm by the Mary statue next to the gym.

Hope to see you there,

Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday September 19, Catholics & Organ Transplants

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Thursday, September 19, we will be have Jessica Munoz discussing with us organ transplants and how it applies to being Catholic. This is one of the important medical topics that concerns us as Catholics and is a great opportunity to get better informed on the subject. We will be meeting in the Family Parish Center, in room 2A (music room), at Assumption Catholic Church at 7pm with the Rosary starting at 6:30pm. 

Hope to see you there,

Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Confession and Mass this Thursday, September 12

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We will be having Confession and Mass at Assumption Catholic Church this Thursday, September 12 with our spiritual director Fr Ed Murphy. Confession and Rosary will start at 6:15pm and Mass starting at 6:45pm. 

We hope to see you there,

Emmaus Core Team

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday, September 5, Blessed Virgin Mary

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Thursday, September 5, some of the Sisters of the Home of the Mother will be speaking with us. They will be discussing the Blessed Virgin Mary and her perpetual virginity. It is always a treat to have the Sisters visit us to share with us our faith.We will be meeting at Assumption Catholic Church at 7pm in the Family Parish Center in room 2A (music room). We will be praying the Rosary at 6:30 pm if you wish to join us.

The format of the meeting will be a little different for this Thursday. The Sisters will be beginning their talk promptly at 7pm with praise and worship music following immediately after.

Hope to see you there,

Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday - Aug 29 - Letters and Martyrdom of St Ignatius if Antioch

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Thursday, August 29, we will be having our good friend Gerald Lamb speaking to us. His topic will be concerning the letters and martyrdom of St Ignatius of Antioch. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about this saint, about our faith, and live out our Catholic faith.We will be meeting in the Family Parish Center in the music Room (Room 2A) at Assumption Catholic Church. The meeting starts at 7pm, with the Rosary starting at 6:30pm. 

Hope to see you there,

Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday 7/25 Defending Mary and the Saints

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

This Thursday, July 25, we will be having our spiritual director, Fr Ed Murphy, talk to us about how to defend praying to Mary and the saints. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about our faith and find out some ways of defending our faith as well. We will be meeting at Assumption Catholic Church in the Family parish Center in room 2A (music room) at 7pm with the Rosary starting at 6:30 pm.

Hope to see you there,

Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 7/18 -- Volleyball!

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,
This Thursday at Emmaus we will be in the gym to play volleyball.  So, bring your "A" game and invite a friend to join us for fun and fellowship!  We will start as usual at 7pm with Rosary at 6:30pm if you wish to join us.  Looking forward to seeing you all then!
The Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday July 11, Confession and Mass

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, July 11, we will be having Confession and Mass with our spiritual director Fr Ed Murphy. We will be at Assumption Catholic Church with Confession starting at 6:15pm and Mass starting at 6:45pm. As usual, we will be going out to dinner afterwards.
We hope to see you there,
Emmaus Core Team

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday - June 27 - Angels pt 2

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are honored to have Gerald Lamb come back to speak with us again this Thursday, June 27. He will be continueing his talk concerning Angels, but with more of a focus on the mission of angels and also the different Choir of angels. We will be meeting at Assumption Catholic Church in the Parish Family Center, Room 2A (the music room) at 7pm with Rosary at 6:30pm if you want to join us. Looking forward to seeing you there.
God Bless
Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 6/20 -- Angels

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,
This Thursday at Emmaus we will be having our good friend Gerald Lamb speaking with us about angels, their nature, and their role in God's plan.  We will be meeting, as usual, in the Parish Family Center, Room 2A (the music room) at 7pm with Rosary at 6:30pm if you want to join us.  Looking forward to seeing you all there!  Have a blessed week!
The Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday, June 13, Confession and Mass

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, June 13, we will be having Confession and Mass at Assumption Catholic Church. Our Celebrant will be Fr Lam from Blessed Trinity. Confession will start at 6:15pm and Mass at 6:45pm. Following we will be going out for dinner and fellowship.
Hope to see you there,
Emmaus Core Team

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Emmaus CANCELLED tonight, 6/6, due to Tropical Storm Andrea

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,
We have decided to cancel Emmaus for tonight due to the tornado warning and potential flooding from Tropical Storm Andrea.  We will reschedule Mike Day to come and talk with us at a later date.  Hope you all are well and stay safe!
The Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday, May 30

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, May 30, we will be having Deacon Corky Hecht speaking to us about freedom from a Catholic perspective. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about our faith, what it will truely mean to be free in our own lives, and especially in this country. The meeting will start at 7pm at Assumption Catholic Church in the Family Life Center, room 2A (music room), with the Rosary starting at 6:30pm if you wish to join us.
Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday May 23 - How To Defend Traditional Marriage

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In todays society, defending traditional marriage can be a challenge, and even from a Catholic stand point. This Thursday, May 23, we will be having our spiritual director Fr Ed Murphy talk to us on how to defend traditional marriage. It will be a great opportunity to learn how to better strengthin and defend our faith in our own lifes. We will be meeting in the Family Parish Center, room 2A (music room) at 7pm, with the Rosary starting at 6:30pm if you wish to join us.
Hope to see you there and God Bless,
Emmaus Core Team

Monday, May 20, 2013

Memorial Day Beach Bash -- Mon. 5/27!

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,

It’s time for some beach fun at our annual Memorial Day Beach Bash! We will be meeting at Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park in Mayport on Memorial Day, Monday 5/27, at 12:30pm. It costs $3 per car (up to 6 people) to get in the park. Once you get in the park, go to parking lots 7 & 8 (near the lifeguard station). Please bring something for our potluck lunch (hamburgers, hot dogs, side dish, salad, fruit, dessert, etc.)  Don't forget plenty of fluids!  Also bring: sunscreen, towel, football, frisbee, boogie board, etc.  I will bring my volleyball stuff. Since they don't allow grilles on the beach, we will have a grille available between 12:30-2:30pm at the covered pavilion/old concession stand (to the left as you're walking towards the beach, before the dunes).  After 2:30pm we will put the grille away and move down to the beach.  Looking forward to celebrating with everyone!

Hanna Park Address:  500 Wonderwood Dr., Atlantic Beach, FL

God Bless,

The Emmaus Core Team

PS- If you have any questions, call Russ at: (352) 359-0629.
PPS- If you have a "tent" or portable table you can bring or we can borrow, please let us know! Thanks!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 5/16: Volleyball!

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,
This Thursday at Emmaus we will be playing volleyball. So, come on by the gym at 7pm and git yo' game on! :) We will also be praying the Rosary at 6:30pm if you want to join us. This is a great opportunity to invite new people to check out Emmaus, so bring that friend or co-worker you've been thinking about inviting. We look forward to seeing you Thursday!
The Emmaus Core Team
"Nuthin' hits the ground!" :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday, May 9, Confession and Mass

Brothers and sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, May 9, we will be having Confession and Mass with our Spiritual Director Fr Ed Murphy. Confession and Rosary will be starting at 6:15pm and Mass at 6:45pm. Please take note that we will be at Immculate Connception Catholic Church, located at 121 E Duval St, Jacksonville, FL.
We hope to see you there and God Bless,
Emmaus Core Team

Monday, April 29, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 5/2 -- The Virtue of Faith

Hello brothers and sisters,
This Thursday at Emmaus we will have Dan Mull speaking with us about the virtue of faith.  He will be referring to the Bible and Catechism, so bring yours to follow along and join in the conversation!  Dan has a Masters in Theology from Ave Maria University and he teaches Religion at Bishop Snyder High School.  We will be in our usual place, the Parish Family Center (PFC), Room 2A at 7pm.  You are welcome to join us for the Rosary at 6:30pm.  See you then!
The Emmaus Core Team

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 4/25 -- Holy Hour and Dinner

Hello brothers and sisters,
This Thurs. for Emmaus we will be having a holy hour in the chapel from 7-8pm and will go somewhere for dinner after.  We will pray the Rosary outside by the statue of Our Lady (near the handicapped parking) at 6:30pm if you want to join us.  See you then!
The Emmaus Core Team

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 4/18 -- Volunteering at WHC Gala

Hello brothers and sisters,

This Thurs. we will be volunteering at the Women's Help Center Gala at the Marriott on Salisbury Rd (see address below).  Becky from the WHC would like us to be there between 5:30 - 5:45pm, but the closer to 5:30pm the better.  As I have mentioned, the dress code is business casual with black pants/skirt and white shirt/blouse.  We will be helping with registration, which goes from 5:45-6:30pm.  Dinner starts at 6:30pm.  After dinner, she would like us to "man the doors" to collect donations in baskets as people leave.  The keynote speaker is Kirk Walden, founder of LifeTrends and a former professional golfer.  For those who were unsure if they could make it, we still have space for a couple more volunteers!  See y'all there!  For those who can't make it, you will be with us in spirit! :)

Marriott Southpoint
4670 Salisbury Rd
Jacksonville, FL


The Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday April 11 - Confession and Mass

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, April 11, we will be celebrating Mass with our spirtual director Fr Ed at Assumption Catholic Church starting at 6:45pm. Confession and Rosary will be starting at 6:15pm.
We hope to see you there,
Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 4/4 -- Nature of Divine Revelation and Religion

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Happy Easter!  This Thurs. we will have Gerald Lamb speaking with us on the "Nature of Divine Revelation and Religion."  Gerald has spoken with us before and always done a great job.  Come and join in the discussion and fellowship!  We will be in the Parish Family Center, Room 2A (music room) at 7pm with Rosary at 6:30pm for any who would like to join us.  See you then!

In the risen Christ,

Emmaus Core Team

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 3/28: Holy Thursday Mass!

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,

This Thursday for Emmaus we will be meeting at Assumption at 7pm to start the Triduum with Holy Thursday Mass.  We hope you will join us!  Let's sit together on the front left in the church.

As we continue in the Triduum, we will be going to Immaculate Conception for Good Friday services and for Easter Vigil.  We especially invite you to join us in celebrating Easter Vigil as one of our members, Erica Robinson, will be received into the Body of Christ, the Church!  Come join us in showing our love and support.  Congratulations Erica!  Times for Good Friday and Easter Vigil are forthcoming in another email.

Have a blessed and fruitful Holy Week!
God Bless,

The Emmaus Core Team

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 3/14 and Mission at Assumption

Hello brothers and sisters,

For Emmaus this Thurs. we will be attending the parish mission at Assumption in the church.  The speaker is Fr. Wade Menezes (from EWTN) and the talk starts at 7pm.  Thurs. is the final night of the mission and so the format will be Mass with the homily being the mission talk.

The mission is from Mon.-Thurs. night, 3/11-3/14, with the following schedule:

5:30-6:30pm:  Confession
7-8pm: Mission Talk and Benediction
8:15pm: Confession

Topics are:

Mon., 3/11 -- Be Faithful to Daily Duty
Tues., 3/12 -- Be Other-Centered
Wed., 3/13 -- Understand the Reality of Vice and Virtue
Thurs., 3/14 -- Practice and Live the Sacraments

We encourage you to attend the entire mission.  There is a plenary indulgence associated with attending the entire mission, provided the usual requirements are fulfilled.  They are:

How to Gain an Indulgence (from http://www.catholic.com/tracts/myths-about-indulgences, (near bottom)

To gain any indulgence you must be a Catholic in a state of grace. You must be a Catholic in order to be under the Church’s jurisdiction, and you must be in a state of grace because apart from God’s grace none of your actions are fundamentally pleasing to God (meritorious). You also must have at least the habitual intention of gaining an indulgence by the act performed.

To gain a partial indulgence, you must perform with a contrite heart the act to which the indulgence is attached.

To gain a plenary indulgence you must perform the act with a contrite heart, plus you must go to confession (one confession may suffice for several plenary indulgences), receive Holy Communion, and pray for the pope’s intentions. (An Our Father and a Hail Mary said for the pope’s intentions are sufficient, although you are free to substitute other prayers of your own choice.) The final condition is that you must be free from all attachment to sin, including venial sin.

We hope to see you there!


The Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday - 3/7

Brothers and sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, March 7, Tina Herrall will be discussing with us what it was like, as a Catholic, to go thru the changes of Vatican II as a lay person and so much more. Tina comes to us highly recommended from her husband Burt, has spoken to us before, and does have a master degree in Theology. Please bring your Bible, Catechism and if you have a copy of the Vatican II documents (if you have an extra copy, please bring, we all may not have one). We will be meeting in the Family Live Center in the Music Room (2A) at Assumption Catholic Church. It starts at 7pm and the Rosary starts at 6:30pm if you wish to join us.
Hope to see you there,
Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 2/28, at 6:30pm -- Stations of the Cross

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

This Thurs. at Emmaus we will be meeting a little earlier at 6:30pm in the Church for Stations of the Cross with Deacon Dale Tatum.  He will lead us in the Stations and give an extended reflection for each one.  We should finish about 7:30pm and will go to dinner after.  You are welcome to join us at 6pm for Rosary if you can.  See you then!


The Emmaus Core Team

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Emmaus This Thurs., 2/21 -- Volleyball!

Hello brothers and sisters,

This Thurs. at Emmaus we will be playing volleyball in the gym at 7pm.  We will be in the back half behind the screen like we were last time (I think they have basketball or wrestling practice in the front half).  We will pray the Rosary at 6:30pm by the statue of Mary between the gym and Kohls Hall if you want to join us.  If it gets chilly we will move into the vestibule of the gym.  See you all then!


The Emmaus Core Team

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday - Confession and Mass

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, February 14, we will be having Confession and Mass at Assumption Catholic Church with our Spiritual Director Fr Ed Murphy. During this season of Lent, we have plenty to be thankfull of and what a better way to grow closer to Christ than Confession and Mass. Confession and Rosary will start at 6:15pm and Mass will start at 6:45pm.
We hope to see you there.
Emmaus Core Team

Monday, February 4, 2013

Emmaus This Thurs., 2/7 -- Familiaris Consortio

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

This Thurs. at Emmaus we will have Dan Mull speaking with us about Blessed John Paul II's 1981 apostolic exhortation Familiaris Consortio, or "On the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World."  This will be an interesting, and timely, discussion seeing as how Christian marriage and family are under attack in our culture today.  If you want a preview, you can take a look at this exhortation at:


We will be meeting in the Parish Family Center, Room 2A (music room) at 7pm with Rosary at 6:30pm if you want to join us.  See you then!


The Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday - Jan 31, Catholic Church's teaching on contraception

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, January 31, we will have our spiritual director, Fr Ed Murphy, speak to us about the Catholic Church's stance on contraception. It will be a great opporunity to learn our faith's stance on the subject, especially in lite of the HHS Mandate and other new health care laws. We will be meeting at Assumption Catholic Church in the Family Life Center in room 2A (music Room) at 7pm with the Rosary starting at 6:30.
Hope to see you there,
Emmaus Core Team

Monday, January 21, 2013

Emmaus This Thursday Nov 24 - Pope Benedict XV's Encyclical on St Jerome

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, November 24, we will Bert Harrell, Assumptions RCIA and Adult Education coordinator, Pope Benedict XV's 1920 Encyclical titled Spiritus Paraclitus (St Jerome). It will be a great way to greatly learn about this saint and what the Holy Fathers writing says about him. Here is the link for the Encyclical, http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xv/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xv_enc_15091920_spiritus-paraclitus_en.html, to look it over. We will be meeting at Assumption Catholic Church in the Parish Family Center, Room 2A (Music Room), at 7pm. We will be praying the Rosary at 6:30pm if you wish to join us.
Hope to see you there and God Bless,
Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Emmaus This Thurs., 1/17 -- The Second Vatican Council

Hello brothers and sisters,

This Thurs. at Emmaus we will have our good friend Gerald Lamb speaking with us about the Second Vatican Council.  This is a great way to engage in the Year of Faith since the Church is asking us to better understand the purpose of the council and what the documents really said.  Come on out and join us!  We will be meeting in the Parish Family Center, Room 2A (the music room) at 7pm and praying the Rosary ahead of time at 6:30pm if you can join us.  Hope to see you then, God Bless!


The Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Emmaus this Thursday, 1/10, Confession and Mass

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Thursday, January 10, our spiritual director, Fr Ed, will be will us for Confession and Mass at Assumption. Confession and Rosary will start at 6:15pm and Mass at 6:45pm.
We hope to see you there.
Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Emmaus this Thurs., 1/3/2013!

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

This Thurs. at Emmaus we will have Deacon Corky Hecht speaking with us about Christ coming to us in the Nativity (the Incarnation) and His coming to us in the Eucharist, and tying the two together.  We will be meeting in the Parish Family Center, Room 2A (the music room), above the gym at 7pm.  We will pray the Rosary at 6:30pm if you want to join us.  Hope you all had (and are still having!) a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


The Emmaus Core Team