Welcome to Emmaus!

We are an awesome Catholic Young Adult Group ages 20-39, single or married, located in Jacksonville, FL. Keep an eye on the announcements below for meeting times and events! Examples of events are Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, monthly confession and Mass, Theology on Tap, outdoor activities, bible studies, guest speakers, and much much more. If you join the Emmaus Yahoo! Group, find us on Facebook or check this website regularly, you will be able to receive the latest news on what is happening with Emmaus. So if you are looking to grow in your faith, find friendships, and get involved in something that helps spread the Gospel, then get involved with “Emmaus”!

About Us

The Emmaus Catholic Young Adult Group was started in 1996 by Fr. Ducci in Orange Park, FL. The group first met in the Wilcox house, moved to St. Catherine’s, and then due to the group’s growth and mission ultimately to Assumption Catholic Church. We chose the name “Emmaus” because of the passage in the book of Luke 24:13-35. We love this passage because it deals with the Lord opening the eyes of those who are blind to the truth. The two men’s minds are opened to the Truth when Jesus teaches them about Himself starting from the Old Testament to His death on the Cross to His Resurrection. Afterwards the two men recognize who Jesus is when He gives them the Eucharist i.e. His very Body and Blood in Communion. Our group’s mission is to open the hearts and minds of young adults to Jesus in order to live a holy life. We seek to proclaim the Gospel, which includes all of the Church’s Teachings. We do this by having guest speaker’s talk about the faith, Bible studies, Mass and Adoration, worship music, retreats, sports, and more. We believe in building a strong community of Catholic young adults whose goal is to change lives and live lives of holiness for Christ.

"Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32.

Emmaus Core Team

Patrick, Emily, Paul, and Jacinta. Please feel free to contact us at emmauscya@gmail.com with any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns.

Our Spiritual Director

Our Spiritual Director
Father Ed Murphy (L), Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish. E-mail: ewmurphy@windstream.net

Emmaus Directions

We are located at:
Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church

121 East Duval Street,
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thurs, Fri, Sat- Holy Week

Hello dear brothers and sisters!
We will not meet this Thursday at St. Ephrem's but instead please join us this Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday together).

Holy Thursday - The celebration of the Last Supper, the Institution of the Eucharist/First Mass, and the Institution of the Priesthood
4/1/10 - 6:00PM - at Christ the King.
Christ the King
742 Arlington Road North, Jacksonville, FL 32211

We decided to change the "official" location for us to attend Holy Thursday Mass from Assumption to Christ the King because our good Emmaus friend, Adam Kersch, will be officially recognized as they will announce his acceptance as a seminarian for our diocese and we want to be there to support him! Praise God! Adam, you and your vocation are in our prayers. Please continue to pray for us on your journey as well! How cool (and appropriate) for this to be announced during the Mass that celebrates the institution of the Priesthood.

Good Friday - The Memorial of the Death of our Lord
4/2/10 Noon ~3PM @ Immaculate Conception Parish
Immaculate Conception
121 East Duval StreetJacksonville, FL 32202

The Memorial of the Death of our Lord:
Confession, Stations of the Cross, Communion Service, Veneration of the Cross, Reflections on the 7 Last Words of Christ, Divine Mercy Chaplet

Holy Saturday - The Easter Vigil Mass:
4/3/10 8PM @ The Cathedral in St. Augustine
The Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine
38 Cathedral Place St Augustine, FL 32084

The Easter Vigil Mass:
The Easter Celebration begins at this Mass! We all process in with candles and listen to the scripture readings that tell the story of salvation history. Brand new "baby" Catholics will join us for the first time at the table of the Lord as they receive the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation (candidates) and some also baptism (catechumens).

Because parking is always a challenge in downtown St. Augustine, carpooling and getting there early are highly recommended. Likely there will also be a group outing for a late night breakfast (as we also "break" our Lenten "fasts") somewhere local and celebrate His Resurrection! If you will be out of town visiting family for Easter or are unable to join us for any reason, on behalf of Emmaus, we wish you a most blessed and joyous Holy Week and Easter.

with love,
Sean, Liz, and Jennifer

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thurs- Lenten Improv Skits

This Thursday we will be having some funny and enlighting skits about lent. We will discuss almsgiving, fasting, and prayer but in skit form. Come out and participate in the skits and discussion.

See you Thursday!
In Christ,
Emmaus Core Team

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Let's journey through Tridium together

Hello dear brothers and sisters!

Several people have already asked me, so mark you calendars to celebrate Holy Week together. There may be more details to follow, but this is what we know so far ...

Holy Thursday - 4/1 7:00 PM @ Assumption Parish

The celebration of the Last Supper, the Institution of the Eucharist/First Mass, and the Institution of the Priesthood

Good Friday - 4/2 Noon ~3PM @ Immaculate Conception Parish

The Memorial of the Death of our Lord

Confession, Stations of the Cross, Communion Service, Veneration of the Cross, Reflections on the 7 Last Words of Christ, Divine Mercy Chaplet

Holy Saturday 4/3 8PM @ The Cathedral in St. Augustine

The Easter Vigil Mass

I believe this actually starts at 8:30, but you will want to get there early for the procession from darkness to light

The Easter Celebration begins at this Mass! We all process in with candles and listen to the scripture readings that tell the story of salvation history. Brand new "baby" Catholics will join us for the first time at the table of the Lord as they receive the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation (candidates) and some also baptism (catechumens).

More details to follow, but we will likely have a grand celebration together following this joy-filled Mass, so that we can celebrate Easter together as the Body of Christ that we are!

with love,

Sean, Liz, and Jennifer

Sat- 7 Last words of Christ and Pillars of Joy Music

This Saturday come out for a lenten reflection on the 7 last words of Christ. The last seven words of Christ are words or phrases that we can cling to not only during the season of Lent, but every day of our lives. Come reflect and meditate on these powerful words with us. Deacon John will begin the evening with exposition of the most blessed sacrament. Music and meditation will be lead by Bart Price and the Pillars of Joy. This will be a special evening as our beloved Joy Pichardo will be be with us for the first time in three years.
Date and Time: Saturday March 20th at 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Assumption Catholic Church (near Bishop Kenny High School)
The 7 last words are:
Father forgive them...- Luke 23:34
Today you will be with me in paradise- Luke 23:43
Woman behold your son - John 19:26-27
My God my God why have you forsaken me - Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34
I thirst - John 19:28
It is finished - John 19:30
Father into your hands I commend my spirit - Luke 23:46
In Christ, Sean

Thurs- 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil

This Thursday we will be standing vigil and praying for an end to abortion at A Jacksonville Women's Health Center (AJAX), 4131 University Blvd. S., Jacksonville, FL. Come out and stand for life.

We will start at 7:00PM and end at 8:00. Afterwards we will go to get something to eat.

To get more information, or to volunteer to help you can call 904/214-4908, e-mail tsmaha@bellsouth.net or visit http://www.40daysforlife.com/jacksonville
In Christ,
Sean, Jen, Liz.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thurs - Adoration of Jesus

This Thursday we will be having Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We will pray the rosary and have some lenten reflections from the Saints. This is strickly Adoration. There will not be any Sacrament of Confession. We will begin the Rosary at 7:00.

In Christ,
Sean, Liz, Jen

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Universal Call to Holiness- Different Location

This Thursday at Emmaus, we'll be meeting at :
2403 Atlantic Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32207-3595(904) 398-1963

The speaker for the Lenten Mission is Fr. Wade Menezes of the Fathers of Mercy. http://www.fathersofmercy.com/. You might recongnize him from EWTN. Let's all try to sit together, maybe somewhat towards the front on the lefthand side. So if you get there early, try to save a few seats.
Here is the schedule:
Thurs, Mar 4 , 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Confessions
7 - 8 p.m. Mercy Lived: The Universal Call to Holiness
8:15 p.m. - Confessions till all who want have confessed
Reception follows in Jordan Hall

with love,
Liz, Jen, Sean