Hello brothers and sisters!
Please bring your bibles this Thursday for our study and discussion about what it
really means to be brothers and sisters in the Lord. What practical implications does being part of Emmaus and the Body of Christ really entail? Do we really see Christ in one another and act in accordance? What practical ways can we grow in being a community where we truly love God and each other and are willing to sacrifice for each other? Are you committed to your Emmaus family not only because of what you can get out of it each week, but because of what gifts you have to give that the community needs? How can you and I be a "Simon" to one another by helping each other carry our crosses as Simon of Cyrene did for Christ? We'll discuss several scriptures verses as well as some other quotes from our big brothers and sisters in the faith who have gone before us.
It is a relatively recent phenomena to have a society where so many people live alone. It used to be that people lived in
families until they formed new families, but even then it wasn't uncommon to have multiple generations living in one house. The idea of daycare and assisted living was foreign because families took care of each other and when one family's barn burnt down all of the neighbors would pitch in to help rebuild. The bottom line is - we still need each other. Silo living has created a great loneliness that we all try to pretend is not there. So, how can we be counter cultural and create a culture where love is poured out to all ... after all, "They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love..."
with much love,
Jennifer, Sean, Russ, and Adam