Welcome to Emmaus!

We are an awesome Catholic Young Adult Group ages 20-39, single or married, located in Jacksonville, FL. Keep an eye on the announcements below for meeting times and events! Examples of events are Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, monthly confession and Mass, Theology on Tap, outdoor activities, bible studies, guest speakers, and much much more. If you join the Emmaus Yahoo! Group, find us on Facebook or check this website regularly, you will be able to receive the latest news on what is happening with Emmaus. So if you are looking to grow in your faith, find friendships, and get involved in something that helps spread the Gospel, then get involved with “Emmaus”!

About Us

The Emmaus Catholic Young Adult Group was started in 1996 by Fr. Ducci in Orange Park, FL. The group first met in the Wilcox house, moved to St. Catherine’s, and then due to the group’s growth and mission ultimately to Assumption Catholic Church. We chose the name “Emmaus” because of the passage in the book of Luke 24:13-35. We love this passage because it deals with the Lord opening the eyes of those who are blind to the truth. The two men’s minds are opened to the Truth when Jesus teaches them about Himself starting from the Old Testament to His death on the Cross to His Resurrection. Afterwards the two men recognize who Jesus is when He gives them the Eucharist i.e. His very Body and Blood in Communion. Our group’s mission is to open the hearts and minds of young adults to Jesus in order to live a holy life. We seek to proclaim the Gospel, which includes all of the Church’s Teachings. We do this by having guest speaker’s talk about the faith, Bible studies, Mass and Adoration, worship music, retreats, sports, and more. We believe in building a strong community of Catholic young adults whose goal is to change lives and live lives of holiness for Christ.

"Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32.

Emmaus Core Team

Patrick, Emily, Paul, and Jacinta. Please feel free to contact us at emmauscya@gmail.com with any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns.

Our Spiritual Director

Our Spiritual Director
Father Ed Murphy (L), Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish. E-mail: ewmurphy@windstream.net

Emmaus Directions

We are located at:
Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church

121 East Duval Street,
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Emmaus this Thursday - Faith and Finances at Assumption

Hello dear brothers and sisters!

I am happy to announce to you all that our new permanent meeting home for Emmaus will be at Assumption Catholic Church
2403 Atlantic Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32207

7:00 - Rosary
7:30-9:00 Meeting

unless otherwise noted in the weekly email, we will be meeting in Khol's hall, next to the gym
(it is labeled Khol's hall on the outside of the building)

This week, we will have a discussion about our faith and our finances! This is not just about tithing...we will also discuss reasons WHY we should be good savers and self-less stewards of the blessings God has given each of us, particularly as it applies to preparing for marriage! Just as we should prepare for marriage by developing a deep and life-giving prayer life, praying for and guarding our purity and the purity of our future spouse, and even fasting and offering up sacrifices for our future spouse, our finances is another way in which we can love our future spouse now. But, having a generic, undefined goal of saving money for them can make it difficult to find the daily motivation to say "no" to some spending now for the sake of your future family's benefit later, so we'll take a little time to define the "yes" - what saying we're really saying yes to by saving. Of course some dying to self is involved in choosing to love your future family not just in the future, but also now, but that is why love is so connected with the cross. After we found our proper motivations, we'll also talk about some practical ways to set and accomplish our financial goals.

As a side note, last, October 6th, to be precise, David Keegan passed along an email entitled Jamey's thoughts ...if you didn't happen to read it all, now might be a good time to go back and take a look. There were several points, some related to the topic of finances, but most just ways in which we as single people can prepare and actively love our future spouse now without even knowing who they are.

Love and blessings to all. See you in Khol's hall at Assumption on Thursday!

Russ, Emily, Adam, Jennifer

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